Team Flying Vectors

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Character Backgrounds

Benley was fast approaching his middle age. Sure, he had a nice house and a big yard but what did it matter? He worked his days away stuffed in a bland gray cubicle. Weekends seemed hardly different. It seemed that he was destined to spend every weekend doing some tedious chores. The sink needed to be fixed, the laundry to be made, and the lawn once again needed to be mowed. It was all so aggravating. No wonder he was still living alone, stuck in his stupid job only have his weekend sucked away by the joys of owning a house. Life couldn't get worse.

Max the Mower:

Good old Max had mowed more lawns then he could remember. He lived a quiet life in the back of the yard he had been mowing his entire life. His once shiny coat of paint had almost all but chipped away leaving his delicate metal to rust over the seasons. Still, despite his old age, Max was happy and mowing the lawn never lost its appeal even if his blades had dulled a bit and rust was making it a bit more difficult to roll smoothly across the lawn. Max enjoyed the cool air and the feel of freshly cut grass under his wheels. When he wasn't working he would spend hours watching the birds in the trees and at night he would listen to the crickets chirping in the lawn. Max had a great liking of Benley after all, they were a team when it came to mowing a lawn through and through. Benley would push him along and he would try his hardest to make sure every blade was cut just right. Only now in his old age, Max wished Benley would take better care of him as he was stiffening up in places and dulling in others. Still, he was faithful that Benley knew best, although he admitted that he longed for the days when he was new and in his prime.

The MowMaster 3000
Highlighted as a mechanical marvel of metal mowing machinery in this month's issue of Big Lawn, the MowMaster knew he could totally dominate the world. Powered by a high octane precision engine, 12 gear transmission, all wheel drive, and diamond tipped laser sharpened cutting blades he could hardly wait to begin. Fresh out of the factory, he was outraged to be stuffed up in a box and loaded into an old bumbling truck. He didn't need them. He was above them. Smarter then any of those geeky computer controlled mowers and faster then any dumb push mower, he was pure machine. He couldn't wait until he was freed from his container. He'd show them what he was made of.


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