3 story outlines
Story about the characters made of office supplies:
Beginning: The scene opens with the two protagonists peaking out from behind a desk. They both scramble to pick up various office supplies that have fallen on the floor while trying to avoid being seen.
Middle: The scene cuts to the two characters constructing a female friend from the various supplies they have gathered. As they attach the head the new character comes to life. Both of the protagonists begin to show off and vie for the attention of their new female friend. The demonstrations begin to escalate into a full blown fight.
End: As the two characters fight they:
1. accidentally destroy the female character and character 1 detaches the leg of character 2. As character 2 writhes in pain, character 1 helps him reattach the severed limb. They apologize and renew their friendship.
2. completely destroy each other. The scene cuts to the female character constructing her ideal male partner from the wreckage of the previous two characters.
Story about two aliens:
Beginning: The scene opens as an invading alien boarding party breaches another alien vessel. Then, a large intimidating alien orders small alien 1 to scout ahead of the main boarding party.
Middle: The camera cuts to small alien 2 cautiously patrolling the hallways. Small alien 1 bumps into small alien 2 and causes him to fall to the ground and drop his weapon. Alien 1 menacingly stands over the cowering alien with its gun pointed at its chest. Alien 1 slowly pulls the trigger, but as the projectile hits the adversary it bounces off like a Nerf dart. Alien 1 laughs as alien two scrambles to get up with its weapon. Alien 2 now holds the nervous invader at gun point. When alien 2 pulls the trigger the projectile bounces off the other alien like a Nerf gun as well. Both of the aliens have a good laugh.
End: The camera cuts to the two aliens playfully running down a corridor as they shoot the foam projectiles at one another.
A story about a paper boy and an old man:
Beginning: An old man wearing a bath robe walks out onto his porch in the morning expecting his customary newspaper. A new paper boy comes down the street on his bike. As the old man waves to greet the new paper boy his morning paper is thrown onto his roof.
Middle: The camera cuts to a shot of several newspapers on the old man’s roof. The old man tries several gimmicks to try and get the paper boy to stop and give him the morning paper.
End: One morning the old man gets so sick of the paper boy he actually jumps out of a bush and pushes the boy off of his bike. The old man then takes the bike and throws it up on his roof along side the piles of newspapers and storms back into his house with a smirk.
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Like I said before, I think that the first story is most memorable. Not only can I visualize it in my head because I have somewhat of an idea of what these characters will look like (since I know what office supplies look like), I feel as if these characters go through a bigger range of emotions than those in the other narratives. But whichever one you two ultimately choose will turn out to be fun; all three stories are very good ideas! Good luck!
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